Product Leaders

Product Needs Navigator

Looking for a light and playful tool to navigate your product needs?

Looking for a light and playful tool to navigate your product needs? The Product Needs Navigator transforms the complex task of managing product needs and requirements into a playful, inclusive, and collaborative experience. Optimised for ease of use, rapid adaptability, and a lightweight approach, this tool is ideal for product managers and their teams who

Looking for a light and playful tool to navigate your product needs? Read More »

I love to coach.

I love to coach.

I love to coach. At the heart of my coaching philosophy, curious coaching, lies a deep desire for the raw, the simple, the pure, the natural. These aren’t just preferences; they are guiding principles that shape my approach to coaching and the transformative journeys I have the privilege to be part of. Curious coaching –

I love to coach. Read More »

Why do we obsess over product nowadays?

Product mindset, product culture, product… Why this obsession about Product?

Product mindset, product culture, product… Why this obsession about Product? Product mindset, product strategy, product roadmap, product leaders, product managers, product discovery, product delivery, product backlog… It feels like the word Product is everywhere these days. But why is that? At its heart, a product mindset is about: Delivering the best possible product – one

Product mindset, product culture, product… Why this obsession about Product? Read More »

Inspired: Key insights from Marty Cagan's book.

Empowering teams through visualisation: Our journey with Marty Cagan’s ‘INSPIRED’

Empowering teams through visualisation: Our journey with Marty Cagan’s ‘INSPIRED’ At Curious Creator, we believe in the transformative power of visual tools to empower teams and facilitate change. Our experience with Marty Cagan’s ‘INSPIRED’ perfectly exemplifies this approach. Cagan, a champion in the realm of product management and innovation, has significantly influenced our methodologies. Each

Empowering teams through visualisation: Our journey with Marty Cagan’s ‘INSPIRED’ Read More »

Circle of friends.

Struggling with product planning?

Struggling with product planning? You’re not alone. Over the years, I’ve honed a personal favourite method for making sense of it all – I call it the ‘Circle of Friends’. Picture this: At the centre of a circle is your product. Orbiting around it are stakeholders. Each has a line to the centre, illustrating a

Struggling with product planning? Read More »

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